Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calgary Classic

Wooo Hooo! Calgary classic this weekend.. 3 hrs on Friday night/14 hrs on Saturday and 9 hrs on Sunday with pure CRAFTING! That's 26 hours of no can you tell I'm excited???

I haven't pack yet. yeah... for somebody that is so excited you would think I will have everything ready and packed (even the kitchen sink). I have till tommorow afternoon to decide.

I know I need to do 10 christmas cards by next weekend. A friend of mine asked me to host a craft camp for her and her 17 other friends. I thought it would be around 5 ladies or 8 at the most, then I saw the evite. Thank God... only 6 can make it out of 17 (for now). I will prep 10 cards per christmas card to be on the safe side.

So... by Monday I will have cards to share with you.

Thanks for bloggin by!


Nancy said...

Can't wait Merlie!!! I am packed... did it this morning before work. But have just pulled out my paper tote and am adding a few more pages... just in case

I'm sure I've overpacked...

Dixie said...

Have a GREAT time, Merlie!

Tracy.H said...

I am packed and ready to go. I know I have over packed, but better safe than sorry! See you soon!! :0)

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky! What I would give for a weekend away :) Have a great time!!