Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Copic Markers

I have been busy with my Copic Markers lately... a little bit of coloring here and there, but mostly organizing my copic binder. I've had my markers for a long time now and just getting the hang of it. I played with them when I first got it, but the result was not something you can post <> I think you know what I mean.

Soooo... after trying to match colors from my previous colored images that didn't even come near it. I decided to blend all my copics so I can refer to it and not have to guess anymore. Some blended really good and some were not so good (I kept it still so I won't make the same mistake)

Violet Family
Red Family
Yellow Family
Green Family
Blue Family
"E" Brown Family
and of course "Marianne Walker" tutorial!! I don't have all of the copics, so when I do her coloring I color with what I have which I think will be the closest to her color.

If you are new to the Copic world, I would suggest you do the same cause it will eliminate the guess work and wasting good EXPENSIVE paper.

I'm still in the process of mixing different color family together. So my organizing is not done yet!

Thanks for bloggin' by!


Tracy.H said...

Wow! Okay...I only have 12 so I don't think I will be doing this quite yet. ;0) But I am going to Shannon's Copic class tomorrow!! I am sooooooo excited to FINALLY use my Copics! :0)

Nancy said...

WOW! What a lot of work. I need to do that!!!