Saturday, December 12, 2009


It was half the Cal~Gals last night, but we still managed to have fun, giggles, joke around and EAT. Oh yeah... the purpose of getting together! Not a bad night... we did a lot of creating, but I think Nancy did the most.
It was Tracy's turn to do the sketch and we all did really good. That is... if you're not timing us! As usual I was the last one to finish.
I love the image that I used for this one. Unfortunately it's not mine (Nancy's), but will probably have one soon, since they have it at my second home (Michael's) hehehe.
I got the rest of the Twilight books last night from Shannon and I started reading New Moon last night.... I already read 3/4 of it! Hubby is already complaining that I don't have to read the whole book in one night. Lol, I don't think I could read that fast.
Thanks for bloggin' by!


Tracy.H said...

I thought you weren't going to read it when you got home!? ;0)

I love this one card, Merlie. Thanks again for the baskets and thank you hubby again for the other bag of prezzies too. :0)

Nancy said...

I *KNEW* you'd stay up too late reading! Silly girl!

Thanks again for the treats and the pleasure of your company... I always enjoy my evenings with the girls!

gbarron56 said...

Merlie -- So sorry to hear about the bird in your house -- what a shock! Great job with this week's sketch challenge on Inspiration in Action. I hope you'll play along again soon! Blessings, Gretchen