Monday, June 7, 2010

Awesome Weekend!

We just came back from our first camping trip and I actually enjoyed it!! I was cold during the night, but I will just bring extra blankets for next time. I guess I was the only one that was cold. I'm actually looking forward to our next camping trip. Here are some pics of the trailer.
couch, closet and fridge.
kitchen area.
My own craft storage area!!
bathroom with little tub
eating area and our bed is a slide out
beds for four and the girls are already asking when they can invite a friend
The girls had so much fun and didn't wanted to leave.

Lots of laundry to do and I hope I will be able to catch up with last week's challenges.
Thanks for bloggin' by!


Anonymous said...

Nice trailer Merlie, sounds like you all had alot of fun. That's great that you can still craft when you are gone :)

Nancy said...

Glad you all had a good time!!

Tracy.H said...

Looks great, Merlie! If we were to buy a trailer that would be the one for us too! I am so glad that YOU enjoyed it. Have fun on the next one! If you need some recommendations of campgrounds for you and the girls just ask. :0)