Thursday, May 19, 2011

Clean and Simple

I actually made a card!!! It was a very productive Calgals last Friday.... considering I planned and had no intention of crafting. I'm surprise I can even SEE after the little show from Allison. But hey.... it was a hoot Allison! I saw a little girl wearing a Hello Kitty rain coat and I thought of you right away..... I don't know.... Hello Kitty doesn't have that "cuteness" to it for some reason....

Thanks for bloggin' by!


Dixie said...

Very pretty, Merlie! Love the flowers, and the punched borders.

debby4000 said...

Gorgeous, beautiful card Merlie.

Allison Rankin said...

Loving the flowers (of course!). FAB color combo!

Tracy.H said...

I love this one! And yes...I don't think I can ever look at Hello Kitty the same again. ;0)

Don said...

I don't get carding... My X does it as well, and enjoys it, but it seems cheaper to go buy the cards than to make them? Granted you can't buy a lot of what you can make, but still???

Your work looks great though!
