Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Just an up-date with our reno....
We finished the hardest part.... moving all the pipes to accommodate the new shower stall

We decided to get new vanity...which is good since we haven't done the floor yet.

my tiling job... I guess when you buy your tiles from a hardware store, the tiles are not all the same size. there's 1/8" difference....you would think that's nothing, but by the time you do four tiles together the gap is almost 1/2".

And of course with all the reno....you'll have one messy place.  This is what our bedroom looks like now...or should I say how it has been for a while now.

Thanks for bloggin' by and have a nice day!

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Wow, it's looking great Merlie! It will sure be worth it when you are finished.